To see what's coming soon.
Judge Diana Updike
Event Date: Sunday, October 27th, 2024
Event Time: 9:00am
Event Location: K9 Translations
Event Address: 2420 North Territorial Rd, Whitmore Lake, Michigan 48189
SD Levels 1 - 4
Ranger Level 1
Entry Fees: $ 20 per round if received by October 25th.
After October 25th, including day of show, entries are $25 per round and will be accepted only if space allows. Email day of show requests on Friday October 27th
Premium available immediately below.
Event Date: Sunday, October 27th, 2024
Event Time: 9:00am to 3:00 pm
Event Location: K9 Translations
Event Address: 2420 North Territorial Rd, Whitmore Lake, Michigan 48189
At the event, we will ask for a small donation that will go to the Canine Cancer Foundation as a sitting fee.
Pictures may then be purchased from Sylvia in accordance with the pricing that can be found on her website.
Presented by Debbie Harrison & Anne Stahl
Event Date: Sunday, July 21, 2024
Event Time: 9:00am – 2:00pm
Event Location: K9 Translations
Event Address: 2420 North Territorial Rd, Whitmore Lake, Michigan 48189
Workshop Description
With jumps being the most frequent obstacle in agility, it is vital to develop and maintain proper jump mechanics. Indeed, dogs are natural jumpers BUT jumping up to 20 obstacles, under handler direction, with tight turns, discriminations and at full speed is a challenge.
Improper jumping mechanics can result in:
· Dropped bars.
· Wide turns.
· Off courses.
· Long course times.
· Injury (short term and/or long term).
This workshop will lead dog/handler teams through a series of jump mechanics grids (from Susan Salo, and others) to achieve the following benefits for the dog;
· Improved jump mechanics
· Better balance in all aspects of jumping.
· Improved jump approaches & accurate take-offs.
· Learn how & where to land.
· Improve weight shift while jumping.
· Better problem-solving skills, including enhanced reading of distances between obstacles.
· Better obstacle focus.
· Better responsiveness to handling cues.
· Better body control at full speed.
· Improved athleticism and less chance of injury.
· Fewer jumping related errors.
Additionally, handlers will learn how to recognize jumping issues and apply gymnastic exercises to improve the dog's jumping skills.
Working Spots (10): $95 / person / day)
Audit Spots (Unlimited) - Flat Fee $30 / person / day
Obedience & Tricks & Fun, Oh my!
Discover the Exciting World of Rally-FrEe!
· Do you and your dog enjoy Obedience and/or Rally-Obedience and are looking for more fun and challenges?
· Are you interested in Canine Musical Freestyle and want to build foundation skills toward it?
· Do you and your dog love learning tricks and want to bring your team’s skills up to a performance level?
· Are you looking for a new dog sport to have fun with and to strengthen the bond with your dog?
If your answer is “Yes!” to one of these, Rally-FrEe is a perfect sport for you and your dog!
Join us for this event and learn about this fun and entertaining dog sport.
Free Demonstration: The event will start with an introduction to the sport. Everyone is welcome to come join us for coffee and doughnuts while watching experienced teams performing a Rally-FrEe course.
Fee: Free (unlimited spots). Please sign up in advance so we know how much coffee to make!
(If you are attending the workshop after, you do not need to register for the demo separately).
Mini Workshop: After an introduction to the sport and watching the demos, stay for the mini workshop where you can learn some basic sign behaviors and try them on a short course with your dog.
K9T is hosting a C-WAGS Fun Match on June 9th.
Level 1 Patrol
Level 1 Ranger
Level 2 Detective
Level 3 Investigator
Level 4 Super Sleuth
Preregistration is $10.00 per run
Day of trial is $12.00 per run
Scroll down to the bottom of this page to download a premium or email
Spend a full day (10:00 to 4:00 or later) learning how scent moves in a variety of environments and how to use this knowledge to improve your k9 detection team's performance. For those in working spots, test your learning on multiple illustrative scent problems throughout the day.
Working spots are $150 and Audit spots are $95. For those interested, lunch is $10.00.